Robo Ky: Depedning on who's making the list, an A or D tier character in Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +. And generally awesome. | . |
Believing the pizza place in the small town of Podutik near where I live was called Pizzeria Vezuvij (Pizzerija Vesuvius), I searched for it in vain on the internet. Nothing, not a single hit in Slovenia; there was a hit or two in cyrillic, and that was it. Did it go out of business, I wondered. No, there'd still be a listing or a review somewhere on the web if that were the case. Well, it turns out it's actually called Picerija Etna ("Pizzeria Aetna"), and this was the third or so time I was wrongly convinced it was called Vezuvij. It's the fact that they're both named after mountains in Italy... and probably that there's also a pizzeria called Vulkan ("Volcano") in Ljubljana.
Well, in searching for the elusive Vezuvij I inadvertently ended up reading a handful of articles on the web about the best pizza in Ljubljana. Don't even get me started... let's just say it AIN'T Foculus. And over my delicious margherita s suho salamo at Etna I got to thinking long and hard about how I'd rate the pizza of Ljubljana. Problem is, everything is pretty close together in the rankings, and they're all viable.
Which led me to realize that instead of an enumerated list, the most appropriate way to rate the pizza places of Ljubljana would be a tier list, the likes of which fighting game fans use to rank the playable characters in a game. Tiers are general clusters of characters which are more or less equally good. The highest tier is the S tier, then come A, B, C (D, etc.) and junk (usually reserved for joke or gimmick characters like Dan in Street Fighter IV). + and - tiers may also be used, and usually the order in which characters are listed in each tier is significant.
What makes this system relevant to the case at hand is that 1. tier placements and even the concept of tiers itself are the subject of heated debate, 2. regardless of tier, every character can win any given match - more scientifically grounded tiers are based on match up tables, which show how many games each character would win if two characters (and two equally skilled players) played ten matches, with 7-3 being the highest mark (in our case, this corresponds to how, because of different cooks, number of customers being served, etc. on any given day any one pizza place in Ljubljana can be better than another pizza place). And 3. to be credible, tier lists should roughly follow a standard distribution, with S and junk tier having the fewest members and the tiers in the middle the most.
I think Ljubljana is more like an Arc Systems game than a Capcom game in that the tiers are relatively close, subjective taste is a huge factor and, like I said, they're all pretty much viable contenders:
S tier: Trnovski zvon
S-/A+ tier: Azur
A tier: Vezuvij, Tunel*, Angel, Emonska klet, Dvor
B tier: Foculus, Dobra vila
C tier: Pinki
"Junk" tier**: Mercator pizzas, Parma
* I haven't eaten here in years but back in the day when I ate there all the time it was easily the most consistent pizza place.
** In line with the analogy, these pizzas aren't necessarily bad, they just can't be taken seriously. (When someone says "wanna get some pizza," no LjubljanĨan ever replies "sure, where do you wanna go, Mercator?")